Religious Education


Intent, Implementation and Impact of the RE Curriculum


‘We always treat others with love and kindness following the teachings of the Parable of the Good Samaritan.’

Religious Education at Harnham C of E Junior School respects and promotes each child’s innate capacity for wonder, awe, reverence and spirituality. We encourage our pupils to ask BIG questions questions about the meaning and purpose of life, beliefs, the self,  issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human. It develops pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Christianity, other principal religions, and religious traditions that examine these questions, fostering personal reflection and spiritual development. RE encourages pupils to explore their own beliefs (whether they are religious or nonreligious), in the light of what they learn, as they examine issues of religious belief and faith and how these impact on personal, institutional and social ethics, and to express their responses.  Religious education at HJS enables pupils to build their sense of identity and belonging, which helps them flourish within their communities and as citizens in a diverse society.  We aim to teach pupils to develop respect for others, including people with different faiths and beliefs, and helps to challenge prejudice.  Our curriculum prompts pupils to consider their responsibilities to themselves and to others, and to explore how they might contribute to their communities and to wider society. It encourages empathy, generosity and compassion.


At Harnham our Religious Education long-term plan follows the Discovery RE enquiry based syllabus.  We believe that using an enquiry based model well, children’s critical thinking skills can be developed, their motivation to learn increased and their knowledge and understanding of and empathy with people and their beliefs, religious or otherwise, will be enhanced.  This approach takes very seriously the philosophy that children are fee to make their own choices and decisions concerning religion and belief.
