

Intent, Implementation and Impact of the Geography Curriculum

Geography encapsulates everything we value at Harnham Junior School. Our curriculum drivers at Harnham are Diversity, Communication, Resilience and Aspirations. All of these can be achieved through Geography.


Firstly, at Harnham, we have a diverse community. Children come from all different backgrounds and communities, even in this small pocket of Salisbury. Cultures have been built upon the building blocks of Geography, whether this is due to physical geography or human geography. At Harnham, we share the same planet, the same city and the school. For a harmonious environment, we need to understand one another and know what makes us different as well as similar. Additionally, this can build in subjects like PSHE, RE and History.

Technology is improved and everyday our planet is growing smaller and more connected. Whereas to past generations counties like Argentina and Sri Lanka may have seemed almost irrelevant to life in Salisbury, communication allows us to talk to people from these countries and understand this way of life. We are now able to see pictures of everyday life in far corners of the world through social media. If children are able to communicate and understand what an earthquake is, then they can have access to the news and understand the consequences for these people. A higher level of communication can also help future generations to understand the climate crisis. They will have access to the media and will be able to understand how their actions affect our planet. When considering communication and Geography, it is impossible to not to consider languages. Speaking another language opens opportunities for many children.

At Harnham, many of our children have never been outside of the South of England. Their families are from Salisbury or the surrounding area and their friends are from Salisbury. Consequently, Geography can seem irrelevant to their own lives or that of their families. Some of our children have never seen the sea, despite living 45 minutes away. We can inspire children to travel whether it is to other areas of Britain, Europe or even other continents.

Beyond that we want to open their eyes to the wider world-giving them the knowledge to understand the link between physical and human Geography.


In 2020, as teachers we have ownership over the Geography curriculum, therefore we can teach Geography that is relevant to our children. Our Geography Long Term Plan provides children to learn a deep knowledge about their own area while comparing to other countries. This will allow them to understand their own community and environment while understanding why other countries and cultures are the way they are. In addition, learning about other countries and cultures can inspire children who may not otherwise have aspirations to visit them. We understand that as a result of schools closing due to Corona Virus in March 2020, a substantial amount of the Geography curriculum was lost. We have recognised these gaps and we are determined to fill these throughout the year.

Local studies are vital to our children understanding the relevance of Geography. Getting outside amongst real Geography can help resilience. Seeing hills and rivers and understanding their uses can bring Geography to life. The importance of rivers and the water cycle is brought to life when Year 4 visit the water meadows to observe how vital rivers are to Salisbury. In addition, Salisbury is alive with history being close to Stonehenge and Old Sarum. Linking History to Geography allows children to understand how Geography has shaped our city.

‘Getting outdoors was where the magic appeal of Geography lies. It’s being out there, it’s being able to see and touch and feel what the land is like.” Michael Palin

Furthermore, seeing historical sites and understanding the Geography behind them can bring the history to life. One example of this is during the history topic on the Stone Age Period we conduct a local study on Stonehenge and think about why the area was chosen and how it has changed through time. Children seeing the area for themselves allows the children to envisage the area in the Neolithic period and see its geographical features for themselves.

In our long term plan, we have ensured each year group recaps on locational knowledge they have previously learned, in order to guarantee they leave Harnham with the confidence to apply these skills.


The Harnham Junior School curriculum will provide pupils with a deep understanding in locational knowledge, place knowledge and human and physical geography. Through a curriculum that is personal and relevant to Harnham, pupils will have learnt to understand and appreciate their immediate environment. At the same time, we will also have broadened their horizons, stimulating their interests in other cultures and backgrounds and teaching them to respect and celebrate difference and diversity. Finally, we aim that by the time the children leave Harnham, they will have developed a strong appreciation of nature and an understanding of their responsibility to care for our planet.